Monday, August 7, 2017

Information About Your Bladder Control Problems

Bladder control problems can encompass a lot of symptoms, like urinary leakage (incontinence), inability to empty your bladder entirely (retention), or simply the irritating urgency and frequency to use the restroom. If you have incontinence or any of these other irritating symptoms, you're not alone. Urinary control problems impact countless Americans, which makes it as prevalent as a lot of different prominent diseases including asthma, diabetes, and osteoporosis. It is not solely a female issue, nor is it a normal part of the aging process.

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Urinary control issues may be disastrous or at least decrease one's quality of life in Creve Coeur, Kirkwood, Florissant, or Washington, Missouri. You might leak small or large volumes of urine, use the washroom really often, or be unable to fully empty your bladder. These conditions may affect your life each day and can make easy day to day activities stressful. You might feel restricted by a fear of leaking accidents, the desire to be near the bathroom at all times, and a general preoccupation with your bladder. These symptoms may affect one's social life-- you may need to scale back on your hobbies, stop working, avoid going to the movies, dining out, or meeting with friends and family.

How Come I've Got Urinary Control Issues?

Nerves carry information back-and-forth from the brain. Particular nerves manage the bladder and muscles that relate to urination. When the communication system in between these nerves and your brain isn't functioning properly, a person may have bladder issues like urinary retention and over active bladder symptoms, including urgency, frequency, nocturia (waking up during the night) with or without urinary incontinence.

Different Kinds Of Urinary Control Difficulties

With urge urinary incontinence, you may:

  • Lose urine whenever you feel a powerful need to visit the washroom
  • Leak urine when you can't reach the restroom quickly enough
  • Leak urine whenever you consume even a modest amount of liquid, or when you hear or touch running liquid

With urgency-frequency, you may:

  • Have frequent, annoying, uncontrollable urges to urinate
  • Go to the bathroom more frequently than normal (more than seven times per day).
  • Frequently feel your bladder isn't completely empty even after utilizing the bathroom.

With urgency-retention, you may:

  • Spend a very long time at the toilet but produce just weak, dribbling stream of urine.
  • Leak urine (also called overflow incontinence).
  • Not have a sensation when your bladder is full.
  • Have to use a catheter to drain your bladder.

If you or someone you know is going through any of these bothersome urinary symptoms, contact Metropolitan Urological Specialists and make an appointment with one of their Saint Louis physicians to start taking control of your life again.

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